CSU Academic Senate resolves to adopt ORCID

UMass Amherst Libraries has been an institutional supporter of ORCID for nearly two years, and its systems of interoperable data continue to grow (now including biographical information, education & qualifications, employment, memberships & service, invited positions & distinctions, funding, works, peer review activity and research resources.)  Campus partners in Information Technology and Research and Engagement are showing increasing interest in integrating ORCID into our campus systems and workflows. Therefore, the announcement  last week that the Academic Senate of California State University passed a resolution was notable. It:

“strongly encourage[s] CSU faculty, students, and administrators—whether past, present, or future—to sign up for an ORCID iD and maintain a well-curated and well-integrated ORCID record” and which “strongly encourage[s] the Office of the Chancellor and campus Presidents to provide financial support for a CSU-wide and campus ORCID institutional memberships, make robust ORCID integration a procurement standard for software service providers whenever reasonable, commission a system-wide ORCID implementation task force, and commit significant staff development time to build customized ORCID integrations within and across the CSU system”.

The rationale in the resolution is worth reading because it provides a thorough account of the benefits of institutional adoption of the ORCID. Again, other institutions’ actions provide us with models for next steps to take here at UMass Amherst.

Author: Christine Turner

Scholarly Communication Librarian at UMass Amherst

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