Rescognito is a new, free and open system with a mission to expand researcher recognition. An individual researcher identity is verified by an ORCID ID and a scholarly work (article/preprint, data set, software, protocol, etc.) must have a digital object identifier (DOI). Based on verification of these two persistent identifiers, a researcher/scholar/contributor may claim up to 5 different roles they fulfilled in the scholarship from the CRediT Taxonomy of 14 potential types (conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, funding acquisition, software, validation, etc.). A researcher may also recognize work performed by others. With the researcher’s permission, these contributor roles can be transparently shared to their ORCID profile. Publishers may collaborate with Rescognito to implement the CRediT Taxonomy and data checklists within their publication workflows. As a standards-based (CRediT, DOI, ORCID, ROR), transparent, researcher-driven tool that plugs into the open scholarship ecosystem, Rescognito promulgates the various facets of research and who performs them.