Open Scholarship Series workshops

Spring 2022

We invite you to register for and attend a virtual workshop (or three!) to advance your proficiency and scholarly connections:

  • Tools for Managing Your Scholarly Identity: Building Your ORCiD Profile – March 3 at 2:00 p.m. and March 16 at noon.
    Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a free, unique, persistent and universal digital identifier. For those who have an ORCiD ID, this workshop provides dedicated time to review and expand your profile with librarian guidance.
    Note #1: ORCID registration is required for doctoral dissertation and masters theses submissions to ScholarWorks.
    Note #2: We encourage you to obtain an ORCiD ID before the workshop. Guidance is available:
  • Open Access, peer review and predatory publishing: can you have the first two without the third? – March 7 at noon and April 7 at 2:00 p.m.
    Answer: YES!! Open access refers to who can use scholarly works free of charge and how scholarly publishing is funded, not the scholarship’s quality or rigor. Open access publishing provides citation and impact advantages to authors and barrier-free access to users. However, some open access “publishers” use “author pays” models to reap profits while disregarding ethical publishing practices, peer review and quality. We’ll outline the attributes of high-quality open access publishing and the warning signs of shady publishers. With this information, you can gain the benefits of OA publishing and enhance your scholarly reputation.
  • Sharing and promoting your research: how the Libraries can help – March 9 at 4:00 p.m. and March 28 at noon.
    Do you have a published article that you’d like to share with readers beyond UMass Amherst? What about a working paper or a dataset? Join us to hear about the ways the Libraries can help you expand the reach and impact of your work.

Author: Christine Turner

Scholarly Communication Librarian at UMass Amherst

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