Flavors of Science has updated an interactive timeline of milestones in open source software, open access and open scholarship starting with basics, such as the creation of the printing press in 1439 and ending with the release of AmeliCA, a cooperative infrastructure project for scientific communication in Latin America and the Global South, in November 2018. It’s a fascinating history to follow through the development of Multics in 1964, CLACSO in 1967, Oxford Text Archive in 1976, GNU Project in 1984, the serials crisis in 1990, launch of arXiv and release of Linux system kernel in 1991, and so much more!
The timeline was first developed as a supporting document to the collaborative paper: Tennant, Jonathan, Ritwik Agarwal, Ksenija Baždarić, David Brassard, Tom Crick, Daniel J. Dunleavy, Thomas R. Evans, et al. 2020. “A Tale of Two ‘opens’: Intersections Between Free and Open Source Software and Open Scholarship.” SocArXiv. March 6. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/2kxq8