The Office of Scholarly Communication at the University of California has published “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Scholarly Communication,” a resource intended to guide reflection and action to address the lack of DEI in scholarly communication. Endorsed by the UC Academic Council and the University Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication, sections focus on peer review and editorial boards, authors, scholarly publishers and libraries. Within each section the authors provide research and data on inequities within the community to define the problems and actions individuals and organizations within those communities can take. For example:
- all sectors can take steps to diversify their workforces;
- publishers can adopt practices to attract and support a wide pool of participants;
- libraries can incorporate anti-racist practices into instruction, outreach and research services;
- peer reviewers can learn about unconscious bias; and
- authors can advocate for themselves and others.
Suggested actions are referenced with tools for guidance. The authors address the need for demographic data and encourage authors, reviewers and editors to declare their gender, race and ethnicity, and publishers to collect the data. They recognize that people are in different positions of power to affect change. They offer each of us a resource that is well documented and well organized. Each of us needs to determine the focus of our commitment to making scholarly communication more diverse, equitable and inclusive.