For those seeking citations for literature in the arts and humanities, the most prominent tools have limitations of discipline, language, geographic and/or open availability. The authors of “Crossref as a bibliographic discovery tool in the arts and humanities” investigate CrossRef as a potential source of literature on the arts and humanities. CrossRef has the advantages of being an open source, community-governed, non-profit and globally adopted platform for sharing research objects. Its mission is to make “research objects easy to find, cite, link, assess, and reuse.” The authors examine Dimensions, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, Scopus and Web of Science as potential sources of research in the arts and humanities. Google Scholar has the most comprehensive coverage and is free to use, but these researchers dismissed it for lack of widespread use. Web of Science and Scopus are both large and widely used, though their coverage tilts towards English language, STEM research produced in the Global North. Ultimately the authors choose to compare CrossRef with Scopus using the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH Plus) journal title list as the basis for subject comparison because CrossRef does not include subject metadata.
The authors found that CrossRef covered more ERIH Plus journals than Scopus (80% to 49%) and better coverage of journals published in Eastern and Southern Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. They note the significance of this in the arts and humanities where research often has a regional or national focus. The disadvantages of CrossRef as a tool come through in the metadata available. The lack of subject metadata is a major drawback for any search that doesn’t begin with a known citation. Reference linking and cited-by tools depend on publishers depositing reference metadata with articles, and the study found that only half the journals have article reference lists. This should improve as CrossRef required publishers to make reference lists open in 2022. The inclusion of abstracts and author information also varied depending on language of the document. The study authors conclude that CrossRef has its strengths in coverage for the arts and humanities, but also has its problems as a discovery tool. They lay the responsibility for this with publishers and encourage further study of publisher motivations and practices for sharing metadata.